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Skunks  Removal

Basically, the skunk is a nocturnal mammal that is characterized by bold colors and stripes. The mammal has glands that produce a musky-smelling methyl mercaptan. This is the animal’s main defensive measure and can spray the methyl mercaptan up to six times. If disturbed, the skunk growls, stamps its feet, hisses and turns back with its tail raised straight up. It then sprays the fluid, which can reach a distance of 15 feet. The smell of the fluid can be detected as much as a mile away. Being irritating pests, skunks removal is essential, if they happen to infest your home.


Basically, the mammal is black and white in color. The main distinguishing feature of the skunks is the white V-shaped strip on their backs. Additionally, the skunks have a white stripe that runs all the way from the forehead, in between the eyes, to the middle of their rostrum. In some cases, skunks with red and brown colors have been spotted in homes and in the wild as well. This pigmentation is mainly as a result of domestic breeding of the animals. As for the wild skunks, the body color patterns vary greatly, from completely black to completely white. The completely white of black skunks are sometimes referred to as non-albino skunks.

Breeding and Reproduction

Generally, skunks give birth to a number of young ones, between two and 12 young ones. As compared to other skunk species, the striped skunks tend to have more young ones at a go. Under normal circumstances, skunks breed between February and March.  If the striped skunks happen to breed earlier than this, they can have a delayed implantation. The young ones are normally born between late implantation and early June.

Damage Associated with Skunks

Normally, skunks like burrowing a lot. It is this habit that can turn out to be a nuisance to homeowners, hence the need for skunks removal. The animals will burrow under building and porches and enter foundation openings. Additionally, they can burrow into lawns, golf courses as well as the gardens in your home as they search for grubs in the soil. This leaves ugly, gaping holes in the surface of the lawns, gardens and golf courses. The holes left behind by skunks are cone-shaped and can their diameter can measure up to 4 inches.

Skunk damage in agricultural fields may be identified in a number of ways. For instance, you can identify skunk damage in corn fields in that they leave damage to the lower ears of the corn, but the corn stalks remain standing. Skunks are also known to attack and kill poultry. While the mammals do not climb walls, they take one or two birds at a go. They also attack poultry, eggs, opening them on one end and crushing the edges inwards.

Skunk Control

In addition to eliminating this mammal, preventive measures, such as exclusion, are also essential to prevent future recurrence. Some of the control methods that may be used to control skunks include licensed trapping, shooting, live trapping and relocation

Rather than wasting your time trying to exterminate this mammal, you should just have the professionals take care of the situation. AMG Extermination has some of the best skunk removal methods and products in the country.


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