The raccoon is scientifically known as the Procyon Lotor. The adult mammal has a rather stocky appearance and measures between two and three feet long. A grown up raccoon can weigh up to 30 pounds. The animal has a heavy fur cover and a black ‘mask’ above the eyes. It also has alternating dark and light rings on the tail. They tend to be active all year round. However, they may take cover in their dens during the extreme temperatures, especially during the winter.
Generally, these mammals are omnivorous in nature. As such, they feed on both animals and plants. Some of the food items they tend to feed on include fruits, nuts, berries, corn, crayfish, acorns, frogs, rabbits, turtles, snails, clams, eggs of ground nesting birds and muskrats. In some cases, they also scavenge on compost piles and garbage cans. Additionally, they may also feed on pet food, if left outside overnight. In most cases, these raccoons are attracted to homes to homes by bird feeders, which provide a dependable food source for them.
Naturally, raccoons prefer living in woodlands, with a close and abundant water and food supply. In most cases, they make their dens in ground burrows, hollow trees, rock crevices and brush piles. It is a nocturnal animal and can adapt well to living in urban and suburban environments. In such environments, the mammals make its dens in accessible outbuildings, beneath decks and backyards, especially in the chimneys, spaces between houses and attics. These make it a nuisance to occupants of the infested house. The nocturnal nature of the raccoons makes it possible them to live in your home for a long time, without being noticed.
While these mammals may give birth at any time of the year, litters are common between April and May. The female gives birth to a litter of between three and six live young ones at a time. For the first year, the young ones remain with their mother, but start to ascertain their independence the following year, especially when the mother gives birth to another litter. If the raccoons have access to a good supply of den sites and food supply, they can grow in numbers rapidly leading to problems in your home.
Damage Associated with Raccoons
The majority of damage by these animals happens when the females are looking for den sites. In the process, they can damage rooftop ventilators, fascia boards and shingles on the house, in a bid to access the attic. Once in the building, raccoons may transmit certain diseases and parasites to the occupants of the house. For instance, the occupants of the house can contract raccoon roundworms if they ingest or inhale the roundworm eggs, found in the raccoon feces. The mammals are also known to transmit distemper and rabies to pets in the house.
To mitigate all these problems, you should have the mammals eliminated by the experts, using the right procedure. Among the leading pest control companies, with the best raccoon mitigation procedures and products is AMG Extermination.